"Mamma, vado a pescare": scappa di casa per combattere con l'Isis
17enne Abdullah Elmir era scomparso quattro mesi fa con una scusa. Ora
appare in un video dell'Isis e minaccia il premier australiano Tony
Abbott e l'Occidente
Il classico "senza volto" sparpagliato per tutto l'universo. La sua situazione mentale e' quella di avvicinarsi in modo ossessivo alle cose e non riuscire mai a fermarsi.
Nulla a cui vedere con gli studenti che armati compiono stragi nelle scuole per poi suicidarsi.
Qui abbiamo uno spasmodico ricercatore di visibilita' malato di protagonismo,il piu' duraturo possibile,quindi nulla a cui vedere con un martire.
Ignorato quasi in modo totale,cerca l'exploit piu' incredibile, al fine di essere visto e ricordato il piu' possibile.Con molta probabilita' se arrivassero i marziani sulla terra, sarebbero i primi a volerli incontrare e magari complottare con loro la conquista del pianeta.
Sono i migliori "boia" del loro passato,quindi ecco l'incredibile interesse che le strutture criminali hanno per loro: nulla li ferma pur di distruggere il loro passato da "insignificanti".
Piu' le situazioni si intorbidiscono,piu' loro escono allo scoperto con qualche mirabolante iniziativa,pur di oscurare tutto cio' che i media propinano giornalmente come figure di successo fino alla noia.E' facilmente intuibile che stanno aumentando in modo esponenziale.
宇宙に散在する古典的な "顔のない」。彼女の精神的状況と「物事に近づく執拗取得すると、彼らが停止することはありません。
簡単に指数関数的に増加しているかを理解するには、 'noia.Eまでメディアが成功の数字として毎日バックアップを務めていること」がすべてを曖昧にしながら、PIU、いくつかの素晴らしいイニシアチブとクローゼットからそれら」の状況がより、濁度である」。
簡単に指数関数的に増加しているかを理解するには、 'noia.Eまでメディアが成功の数字として毎日バックアップを務めていること」がすべてを曖昧にしながら、PIU、いくつかの素晴らしいイニシアチブとクローゼットからそれら」の状況がより、濁度である」。
The classic "faceless" scattered throughout the universe. Her mental situation and 'to get closer obsessively to things and they will never stop.
Nothing to do with armed students who commit massacres in schools and then commit suicide.
Here we have a spasmodic researcher visibility 'sick man of leadership, the more' durable as possible, so nothing to do with a martyr.
Ignored almost totally, seeking the exploit more 'incredible, in order to be seen and remembered the most' possible.With most probably 'if the Martians arrived on earth, would be the first to want to meet with them and maybe plotting the conquest the planet.
They are the best "Executioner" of their past, so here's the incredible interest that the criminal structures have for them: no stopping them in order to destroy their past as "insignificant".
Piu 'situations are turbidity, more' them out of the closet with some amazing initiative, while obscuring everything 'that the media served up daily as figures of success until the noia.E' easy to understand which are increasing exponentially.
Nothing to do with armed students who commit massacres in schools and then commit suicide.
Here we have a spasmodic researcher visibility 'sick man of leadership, the more' durable as possible, so nothing to do with a martyr.
Ignored almost totally, seeking the exploit more 'incredible, in order to be seen and remembered the most' possible.With most probably 'if the Martians arrived on earth, would be the first to want to meet with them and maybe plotting the conquest the planet.
They are the best "Executioner" of their past, so here's the incredible interest that the criminal structures have for them: no stopping them in order to destroy their past as "insignificant".
Piu 'situations are turbidity, more' them out of the closet with some amazing initiative, while obscuring everything 'that the media served up daily as figures of success until the noia.E' easy to understand which are increasing exponentially.