narcisista maligno
malignant narcissist
In questi giorni a Roma sono stati effettuati notevoli arresti per corruzzione,associazione a delinquere di stampo mafioso,in diversi settori dell'amministrazione pubblica.Se per caso uno qualsiasi degli arrestati, fosse stato un assiduo frequentatore di locali cinesi di qualsiasi genere,le forze dell' ordine, avrebbero potuto comodamente fare irruzione,in tale locale,sigillarlo,arrestare i proprietari,perche' sicuramente avrebbero trovato altri soggetti coinvolti nella criminalita'.Questo semplicemente perche'la caratteristica di base di questi personaggi e' "fare cricca tra loro" avendo comunicazioni nascoste.
Qualcuno subito chiedera':perche' proprio i cinesi? Perche' la principale caratteristica di un narcisista maligno ( o fonte di guai o 1.1 come si voglia chiamarlo) e': tagliare tutte le linee di comunicazione visibili e agire solo con quelle nascoste.
Sin dalla loro apparizione sul continente europeo erano stati apprezzati per la loro capacita' di non interferire in nulla. "Loro si fanno i fatti loro". Sono i migliori tra tutti gli stranieri in circolazione.E' stato il piu' catastrofico errore ambientale di questi ultimi 30 anni.Tutto il tessuto sociale e' inquinato da loro,con soggetti nazionali di provenienze ambigue, dai commercialisti espulsi dagli albi,poliziotti corrotti,usurai,riciclatori di denaro di varie nazionalita'.
Conoscendoli da oltre 30 anni sia all'estero che qui in Italia, mi ritrovo ad avere contatti quotidiani sulla mia casella di facebook con oltre 300 giapponesi ( conosciuti da poco piu' di un anno, alcuni di questi personaggi prestigiosi che appaiono in riviste internazionali) diversi esponenti del sud est asiatico, e solo 4 di cinesi che raramente espongono delle loro impressioni.Questo dimostra gia' il naturale antagonismo tra le due nazioni,ma soprattutto la caratteristica di base di base cinese: il rifiuto alla comunicazione diretta, che vuol dire mancanza di abilita' nel confrontarsi con realta' altrui,ovvero gestione solo per opportunismi personali delle situazioni, a scapito di altri personaggi che vengono coinvolti nei suoi affari.Un tessuto perfetto di negativita'dove la soluzione migliore e' senza dubbio : Eliminare dalle proprie linee tali soggetti perche' in tutti i casi i risultati sarebbero un vero disastro, sia economico che sociale.Quelli che invece aderiscono sono solo la sua preda che vengono utilizzati anche inconsapevolmente ai suoi servizi.D'altronde e' una nazione che predilige utilizzare le proprie risorse economiche per ricerche spaziali e militari ( e si da un gran daffare per pubblicizzare la cosa) a scapito di tutti i suoi problemi interni. Ma cosa ci si poteva aspettare di diverso negli altri continenti?
すべてのケースでの結果が経済的にもその代わりに、災害になる原因は、sociale.Quelliを付着さだけ彼のservizi.D'altrondeとに無意識にも使用されているその獲物であることを'を使用することを好む国民そのすべての内部の問題を犠牲にして宇宙研究と軍事(とせっかくにそれを公表すること)のために彼らの経済的資源。しかし、あなたは他の大陸で異なる何を期待する?ローマのこれらの日は、いかなる種類の地元の中国、軍への頻繁な訪問者だった、逮捕のいずれかのために行政pubblica.Seケースのさまざまな分野で重要な逮捕のcorruzione、陰謀マフィアを、作られた単にお互いをクラックする''これらの文字の基本的な機能をperche'la、原因が確実にcriminalita'.Questoに関わる他の人を見つけるだろう」順序、彼らは簡単に、所有者を逮捕、それを封印、この部屋では、侵入できた」「コミュニケーションを隠さた。誰かがすぐに尋ねる':'ちょうど中国の原因? 「(あなたがそれを呼び出したいまたはトラブルや1.1のソース)悪性ナルシストの主な特徴を原因と ':目に見えるすべての通信回線を切断し、隠されたものにのみ行動する。ヨーロッパ大陸で、その外観は、何にでも干渉しない能力」のために珍重されていたので。 「彼らは自分の道を作る。」 circolazione.E内のすべての外国人の中で最高の書籍、腐敗した警官から追放会計士から、曖昧な国家の起源の対象とそれらで汚染社会構造と '、これらの最後の30 anni.Tuttoの環境的に致命的なエラー'最もだった」である、貸金業者、様々な国籍のマネーロンダリング」。両方の海外で、ここイタリアで30年以上のためにそれらを知って、私は自分自身(年より「もう少しとして知られ、権威ある国際学術誌に表示され、これらの文字の一部)300以上の日本と私のFacebookのボックス上で毎日の接点を持って見つけるいくつかの東南アジアのメンバー、そして唯一の4中国人のめったに彼らのimpressioni.Questoを公開しない人'は既に二国間の自然な拮抗作用だけでなく、中国の基本の基本的な特徴を示しています。直接通信への拒否を、手段negativita'dove最善の解決策と「間違いなく、そのaffari.Un完璧なファブリックに関与している他の文字の不利益に他人の「現実に対処する」、または単に管理日和見主義の個人的な状況にスキルの欠如、:彼らから削除ラインそのような人の
These days in Rome were made significant arrests for corruption, criminal conspiracy mafia, in different areas of administration pubblica.Se case for any of the arrested, had been a frequent visitor to the local Chinese of any kind, the forces of 'order, they could easily break into, in this room, seal it, arrest the owners,' cause surely would find others involved in criminalita'.Questo simply perche'la basic feature of these characters and '' to crack each other "having hidden communication.
Someone immediately ask ':' cause just the Chinese? 'Cause the main feature of a malignant narcissist (or source of trouble or 1.1 as you want to call it) and': cutting off all communication lines visible and act only with the hidden ones.
Since their appearance on the European continent had been prized for their ability 'not to interfere in anything. "They make their own way." Are the best among all the foreigners in circolazione.E 'was the most' environmentally catastrophic error of these last 30 anni.Tutto the social fabric and 'polluted by them, with subjects of national origins ambiguous, from accountants expelled from books, corrupt cops , moneylenders, money launderers of various nationalities'.
Knowing them for over 30 years both abroad and here in Italy, I find myself to have daily contacts on my facebook box with over 300 Japanese (known as little more 'than a year, some of these characters that appear in prestigious international journals) several members of the south East Asia, and only 4 of Chinese who rarely expose their impressioni.Questo shows already 'the natural antagonism between the two nations, but also the basic feature of Chinese base: the refusal to direct communication, which means lack of skills' in dealing with reality 'of others, or just to management opportunism personal situations, to the detriment of other characters who are involved in its affari.Un perfect fabric of negativita'dove the best solution and' no doubt: Delete from their lines such persons 'cause in all cases the results would be a disaster, both economically and instead adhere sociale.Quelli that are only its prey which are also used unconsciously to his servizi.D'altronde and' a nation that prefers to use their economic resources for space research and military (and to great pains to publicize it) at the expense of all its internal problems. But what would you expect different in other continents?
Someone immediately ask ':' cause just the Chinese? 'Cause the main feature of a malignant narcissist (or source of trouble or 1.1 as you want to call it) and': cutting off all communication lines visible and act only with the hidden ones.
Since their appearance on the European continent had been prized for their ability 'not to interfere in anything. "They make their own way." Are the best among all the foreigners in circolazione.E 'was the most' environmentally catastrophic error of these last 30 anni.Tutto the social fabric and 'polluted by them, with subjects of national origins ambiguous, from accountants expelled from books, corrupt cops , moneylenders, money launderers of various nationalities'.
Knowing them for over 30 years both abroad and here in Italy, I find myself to have daily contacts on my facebook box with over 300 Japanese (known as little more 'than a year, some of these characters that appear in prestigious international journals) several members of the south East Asia, and only 4 of Chinese who rarely expose their impressioni.Questo shows already 'the natural antagonism between the two nations, but also the basic feature of Chinese base: the refusal to direct communication, which means lack of skills' in dealing with reality 'of others, or just to management opportunism personal situations, to the detriment of other characters who are involved in its affari.Un perfect fabric of negativita'dove the best solution and' no doubt: Delete from their lines such persons 'cause in all cases the results would be a disaster, both economically and instead adhere sociale.Quelli that are only its prey which are also used unconsciously to his servizi.D'altronde and' a nation that prefers to use their economic resources for space research and military (and to great pains to publicize it) at the expense of all its internal problems. But what would you expect different in other continents?
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